After the last paper, Chemistry mcq, the girls and I went to watch Catching Fire! It was AWESOME. It totally made the book come to life. It was super intense throughout and I loved the cast's acting. (even Liam's and I don't like him 'cus of the Miley thing) Sam Claflin is just SO cute and I LOVED the old woman who played Mag. She was so adorable and I wanted to cry when she walked into the fog. I didn't feel that upset at that part when I read the book but the actress playing Mag made me feel so bad for her D:
I love Peeta-Katniss, especially after realising that Jen and Josh are real life friends outside of the movies and are very affectionate towards each other (as can be seen during their interaction in interviews and they have been friends since young). Go PEETNISS. (I hope you didn't read that wrongly)
After the movie we gave Maal her birthday present, which is less fattening than a cake. We bought her The Book Thief. Hope she likes the book!! HAPPY BELATED 18TH MAAL. :)

Today, I went for my first job after A Levels. Can't reveal details 'cus it's a high-profile event, but I suppose I can reveal more details once it's over, which is tmr. :) All I can say for now is that it was an international symposium with high-fliers and even foreign delegates. Is that too much info alr? D: Hope not! Don't want to get into trouble xD HAHA.
The job is not demanding except for the fact that we have to stand for long periods of time. The pay is pretty good and we get to hang around VIPs and even talk to them ("This way, sir.") and pass them water bottles and I get to oogle at the good looking ones and we are provided with three meals so LEG PAIN can be TOLERATED.
I can't seem to write in proper English anymore :/ Will work on it, gimme some time. I am using short forms everywhere -.-
OK so I had to wake up at 4.45am this morning to go to work but luckily work starts at 8am tmr so I can afford to wake up at 6. PHEW.

The person in charge at work, Daisy, is really nice and I also made friends with two awesome JC peeps called Danelle and Jia Xing. (not sure if I spelt that write). It's quite fun when u have awesome colleagues to chit chat with. I even played shoot-shag-marry with Jia Xing and we used the foreign delegates. Since we can't remember their names we called them Singapore, Macau, Nevada, and Australia based on the country they are from. HAHA. (you can't blame us, we were bored) Danelle seriously resembles my sec school classmate Janice. :O
The tea provided to us was awesome - donuts, chocolate cupcakes, wanton dumplings, fruit punch and tea. Huge thumbs up. (Y)
ANYWAYS. After the job ended, I went to look for my prom dress and I think I found THE ONE. I have decided not to buy a long flowy gown just because the theme is Hollywood. If you think practically, what are the chances of me wearing a long flowy gown again anytime soon? Very low. Maybe the next time would be my wedding. LOL.
So I have decided to go for something simple and practical instead. :) Haven't bought it yet though. Will probably get it when I go shopping with Judy this coming Saturday. Super excited!! :D
Will use my own hard-earned money from this job to buy the dress, makes me even more happy :)
After checking out the dress I headed to JE library and borrowed a book called "How to make it to the Top" - 'cus I really need to know. Actually I could have gone to the library another day when my feet isn't aching so badly but I felt a strange pull. Maybe it was fated because while I was browsing the book sections, I heard an announcement saying that there would be a live musical performance at the 4th floor.
Now, I'm a music-lover and really like to support musicians so I immediately headed up to watch the performance. Omg, it was stupendous. Basically they were a group that does improvised performances. Any one of them would start playing any random tune off of the top of their heads and the others would join in at random places to either contradict or complement each other. They did about 5 random pieces like that and all of them left my jaw on the ground. Luckily no one stepped on it.
And at the end they did something I would never have expected, they announced that they would invite an audience member up on stage with them to play the percussion instrument (something which doesn't require experience) and do an improv with them. AND THEY PICKED ME 'cus I was sitting right in front. Luckily after seeing my horrified face they invited another random audience member to do it with me. xD
At first I was very nervous of course but then slowly I got used to it. Unfortunately I was concentrating so hard on thinking of my own improv beats that I didn't get to enjoy the whole group's piece as a whole. Wish someone had recorded it and sent it to me :( never mind~
Today was quite a perfect day in my opinion, better than any of the last three weeks of mugging. Hopefully things continue to work out this way :)
That's all for now, toodles~