Got a job as a cashier! ^^ I get to keep touching money...which is unfortunately not mine. :( The pay's quite good though, $1000 + if I work till after Chinese New Year. :)

I can probably work after CNY too since college starts in late February, however, I might want to move on to other jobs! I can't stand too much routine in my life. Hopefully Judy quits her cashier job at Yew Tee Point and joins me here. It's nearer for her too, after all :) Maybe Wei Chin would want a cashier job as well!
It's not easy to be a cashier, I feel their pain now. After the first day, which w
as yesterday, my whole body started to ache. My job starts in 3 hours time and my body's still aching. *sigh*
Who would've thought that a neighborhood Sheng Siong would be so crowded on a Friday some more! Today's Saturday, this means I'm gonna have a "wonderful" time later, dealing with the customers.
I've never touched so many beers before in my life. Yesterday I had to pack many beer cans and bottles. Sigh! Don't like touching them. :(
There's another O Level graduate like me who's working there. I asked him how long did he take to get used to it. He said it took him 1 week. :O He said I may suffer from backbo
ne pain etc. after my first day. His words came true D:
Now I'm eating Yoghurt for breakfast, mom says it'll help me to say healthy. But honestly I don't like the Aloe Vera flavour! :(
Blunders I made yesterday include counting money wrongly once, tearing a few receipts accidentally, and zapping an item twice. -.- Fml! Yesterday, I had someone called Meei Yn attached to me. She taught me everything I know about cashiering right now. Gosh, I have to memorise a lot of codes. Kill me pls!
After getting a job, I may not be able to hang out with my friends so much. This upsets me :(

Sigh, mom went to the doctor, hope she's fine :( The house is unbelievably quiet right now...spooky! 0.o Shall stop crapping here and go memorise the codes of vegetables and fruits for my job later on! Challenging job but I'm not backing out :)
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