Thursday, January 3, 2013

Why I Blog

People have various reasons as to why they blog. Some blog to relieve their stress and anger on an online platform, some choose only to blog about controversial issues such as politics etc. Many blog to inspire others, usually only focusing on positive stories. Then there are others who turn blogging into a business. For example, being a beauty product endorser or fashion advertiser etc. Even food bloggers can earn money.

I, meanwhile, blog for none of the reasons above. I blog because I want to keep a record of the things that I have done and so that my friends can read it and know what's going on in my life; since we can't meet up so often due to our busy lifestyles. If the stuff going on in my life inspires the readers, that's bonus points for me. However, sometimes I do share my posts on FB, when I feel that people may be able to relate to that post.

The other day I was feeling sad because my blog only has 6000+ views so far. But then I realised that they only reason I feel sad is because of the competitive nature in me. My friends' blogs have way more hits than me! Then I reminded myself that "Hey, you started the blog for you and your friends and it's enough that THEY read it!"

That being said, I have a huge pile of homework remaining which I better get back to! School resumes on Monday! Toodles~

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