Well, I have a lot of stuff to say and I am going to chuck everything into one post so here goes:
A supernatural upbringing:
I will NEVER, EVER, give my future child (if any) a supernatural upbringing. Do you have any idea how much damage it does? Take my mom for instance. Ever since my dad has died (Mr Dore says "passed away" is a stupid term) my mom has kept the living room lights on throughout the night while we sleep as well as a lamp on in her room. We normally sleep with all lights off.
Why the sudden change? Because she is afraid that my dad's spirit will visit the house. -.- I am a Christian who firmly believes that there are no ghosts, and that the dead do not come back to haunt us. Demon, I believe. Demons trying to scare us by "acting" as ghosts, I believe. But not spirits of dead people.
So while I sleep in peace, my mom is restless at night, fearing that she will see my dad's spirit. Gahhhh. The electricity bill this month is damn high thanks to her. I tried talking sense into her but it hasn't worked so far.
Hiking at Bukit Timah:
I went hiking at Bukit Timah for the first time with Judy in December! Unhealthy me was panting while going up the steep slope! I was glad to be in such close proximity with nature. The flora and fauna, the sweating, the fresh air and the company...I loved them all. Definitely going back there soon. In fact, maybe this Friday. (if my mom allows)
I was also glad to be able to spend some time with Judy NOT STUDYING. Because before that, during A levels, we met almost everyday to...study. And I am sure we both could use some exercise.
Here are some photos:
Look who reached the summit |
Beautiful canopy |
The trail of doom |
Trip To Sentosa On Christmas Day:
Went to Sentosa on Christmas day with Wei Chin and Wan Ling. Darren couldn't make it...something about an upset stomach I think. Oh well, the three of us enjoyed ourselves at Palawan beach. We took the boardwalk there from Vivocity rather than take the tram. We should grab whatever chance we can to exercise right? Haha! Although we did take the travelator for most of the journey.
Wei Chin and I were worrying about the crowd but Wan Ling assured us that it won't be crowded from her experience of going there last Christmas. And she was right! Phew! And at Palawan beach we realised something interesting. A certain part of the beach has hard and rough sand while a certain part has really soft sand. At first we sat on the hard sand and had our picnic. Then it started to drizzle and we packed up, disappointed, and was waiting for the shuttle bus to GO HOME when it stopped drizzling. So we just came back to the beach again and we decided to change location and that's when we accidentally discovered the soft sand. It's near the bridge by the way. Near the CAUTION sign. :D
I hadn't met Wan Ling for AGES before that day so I must admit I was worried about awkwardness, despite the fact that she's my secondary school best friend. But I shouldn't have worried. :) Best friends never get awkward around each other. We hugged when we met up at Vivo and it was like old times again.
BFF Wan Ling :) |
L for Love |
Romantic right? U jealous? |
Weight Issues:
Recently I tried some Xndo products. Basically Xndo provides meals, the ones we usually eat, but their meals have way less calories. For example, Tom Yam noodles may generally contain 300 plus calories but Xndo ones only contain 176 calories.
"Our delicious complete meals are calorie controlled with at least 50% less calories of its similar traditional meals so you can keep eating the foods that you love while you limit your daily calorie intake. " Found this on their website.
I am sure I can trust their credibility but I was more worried about the taste. Well I tried the Black Pepper Fish, which is one of their bestsellers, and the Milk Tea.
THE MILK TEA HAS NO TASTE. I don't mean to diss them or whatever, I'm just saying the honest truth. However, the one useful thing about the milk tea is that it can act as a carbohydrate blocker. If you drink a cup before a meal, for instance dinner, it will block the carbohydrates in that meal from being stored in your system. This is good for people trying to lose weight.
The Black pepper fish Bee Hoon is actually quite nice (very spicy). I would try it again :)
Now for the price:
Black pepper fish with Bee Hoon is $11.95. For one meal, that may feel like a hefty price to pay. So I would only recommend this company for despos who REALLY don't want to exercise and would rather diet.
The milk tea, which consists of 5 sachets, costs $9.95. Once again, if you are despo enough go ahead.
I for one, might not buy the meals again just because of the cost and the tea again cus I can't taste anything. But if cost is not a factor, the meals taste fine :)
Where to buy: nearest outlet is Jurong Point B1 :)
Goodbye 2013:
And lastly, goodbye 2013 and HELLO 2014!
Hope it will be a healthy and blessed year for all of you and myself. :)