Thursday, November 10, 2011

Bangla O level sucked

Feedback on Bangla O level:

The letter was difficult. :( So was the comprehension. Sigh. Oh well, it's over. But I compared it to last year's O level paper and last year was easier so screw the setters. :(
It's physics tmr! :) Time to go mug with Wei Chin on the phone!

Songs to watch Out for today: California Kingbed <3

Found a new theorem while studying physics. Read on:

Noether's theorem is an amazing result which lets physicists get conserved quantities from symmetries of the laws of nature. Time translation symmetry gives conservation of energy; space translation symmetry gives conservation of momentum; rotation symmetry gives conservation of angular momentum, and so on.

This result, proved in 1915 by Emmy Noether shortly after she first arrived in Goettingen, was praised by Einstein as a piece of "penetrating mathematical thinking". It's now a standard workhorse in theoretical physics.

These days, students often first meet this theorem in a course on quantum field theory. That can make it seem more complicated than it really is. It works for classical field theory, not just quantum field theory. And it also works for the classical mechanics of a point particle! The proof looks a lot easier in this context - but it contains all the basic ideas which show up in the more fancy versions.

for more info, visit :

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