Well what do you know? It's almost March! I am happy to say that my arm is almost fully recovered (it still spasms/throbs sometimes so I am still on muscle relaxants). Muscle relaxants are the worst tasting pills I've ever had the misfortune of swallowing. One thing I learned from this experience is that the moment we feel that there is something wrong with our bodies, we must do something about it...before it escalates into something worse. I also realised how much it stinks to be handicapped. When my arm was badly swollen and aching, my mom had to help me get into clothes etc. Sigh.
Cyrena came over to my house today after a long time and we had a short Bible study. I am kind of guilty because I haven't been a good Christian these days. Not going for meetings and basically just not dedicating myself enough to doing God's work. :/ Shall try my best to go for the memorial this year.
Mom and I were both pmsing so bad today. Until my dad came home with a new Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 for me. :)) YIPPPIEEEEEEE! Goodbye iphone 4S, it was good having you. Shall let my mom use my iphone from now on. She can play Candy Crush on it all day. (We are stuck at level 33)

Although I must question my dad's motive for getting me this. My iphone 4S is in perfectly good condition. He should have just saved the money for my educational expenses -.-
Anyways, I am looking forward to March. Firstly because I am going to go for the SMU, NTU and NUS open houses which I believe is going to be a really eye-opening experience. Secondly, because the Adam Lambert concert is on 8 March :)
Went to the library to study with Wang Ru yesterday. :) Gonna go for the SMU open house with her next week. It's so far man, BRAS BESAH.
The upcoming week is going to be hectic. Drama Fest on Thursday, MT results released on Friday and the guitar CIP concert on Friday night which I am quit eager to attend :) OH and there is a math test on Thursday. Grrrrr.
Tafn. Toodles :)
Your life is great.. :) haha
Life would be better if my arm would fully recover :'(
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