Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Call Me Ally, Maybe

Hey dear readers! I'd like to make a personal request here! From now on, please call me Ally if possible. I know it's hard to suddenly stop calling me Jaslin or Jas but I'd really love you if you do. I have a personal reason for this sudden change and if you'd really like to know, just PM, text, call or ask me face to face. :) I'd be happy to explain my reasons.

On other news, school's going well. I can keep up with tutorials so far and my consultations with Mr Tan have been fruitful. However, I seem to be physically weak these days. My joints are aching all day :( Applied some medication, hope it works. There is PE tmr, hope I can run with this aching body of mine. NTU gave a talk at school today! Gonna go for both NTU and NUS open houses with my class lovelies. :)

OH AND GUESS WHAT? I WON A GRAMMY NOMINEES ALBUM WORTH $100 from 987FM. :D So it has the best songs of the year. I called the Muttons and they picked up my call within a few seconds. Am I lucky or what? They played snippets of songs that were going to be in the CD and all I had to do to win is identify the singers. First they played "Wide Awake" by Katy Perry, then "Set fire to the rain" by Adele and then "Where have you been" by Rihanna. Of course, identifying these amazing singers was no herculean task for me!

By the way, I miss the OGLs from my class who have been missing for the past few days due to orientation. Especially my dear Mazi. :( Been wanting to show her something from this month's Teenage magazine since last week! I am just worried that they might have missed important stuff! :O

Oh well, need to go and do my GP AQ now. Toodles!


Unknown said...

Please share with me the cd! I WANNA LISTEN TOO! Lucky u sia, the songs quite easy!!!! I would have failed for Rihanna's one coz idk the tittle but wtf... lucky and pro you!

Unknown said...

Thanks Chin! <3 Of course, u can download the songs from me or u can come to my house and listen! Adam Lambert Before-party :D