Got back the last common test paper, literature, on Friday It is the only paper I did relatively well in. However, while going through the paper, I realized that my tutor accidentally didn't mark a page of my lit essay!! :O I quickly pointed it out to him. He apologized and assured me that he would take a look at that page. Hope I can get a few more marks, which is all it's going to take to push me up to a B! *fingers crossed*
Anyways, I went to the Jurong East library yesterday and was horrified when my phone ran out of battery only an hour after my arrival. I was panicking as I still had to contact Fuxuan and Keith! I was sharing a table with two strangers, they were a couple. When the girl overheard me telling Ru that my phone was out of battery, she actually let me use her portable charger. OMG, I mean who does that? :O SO KIND PEOPLE LIKE THAT ACTUALLY EXIST!
A while later, the librarians made an announcement over the PA system that there would be a talk at the first floor regarding Technical Analysis. Ru indicated to me her interest in going for the talk and so I decided to be a good friend and accompany her. Can you believe it, the girl actually let me bring the portable charger down with me? I swear I could see a halo above her head.
I kind of peeked at what she was studying and realised that she was from NUS. My future (hopefully) senior! :D *prays*
I was expecting the talk to be really boring and put me right to sleep. BUT it was actually intersting. I learned how to read the stocks charts. You know, the kind they show every morning on BBC/CNN/Channel 5 news. Learned about the difference between fundamental and technical analysis and about candlestick charting. Took down some notes, if anyone is even remotely interested, do come and ask me about it, I can show you what I wrote down. After the talk, I realised that Economics isn't as blah as I always imagined it to be!
Ok, so that's all for now! Signing out,
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Muscle Knots:
We've all had the experience of tension in our shoulders or back only to find the tension radiating from a knot in a particular muscle. These muscle knots are painful to the touch and can feel like someone actually tied our muscles up. But what are they? Here's everything you need to know to get rid of muscle knots and prevent them from coming back:
What Causes Muscle Knots?
The medical term for muscle knots is myofascial trigger points, which is quite a mouthful for such a common problem. There is some debate among doctors about what causes muscle knots but it seems to be connected to an abnormal build up of protein after a release of lactic acid.
The medical term for muscle knots is myofascial trigger points, which is quite a mouthful for such a common problem. There is some debate among doctors about what causes muscle knots but it seems to be connected to an abnormal build up of protein after a release of lactic acid.
Muscles that form knots are muscles that have gone into a muscle spasm either due to injury, overuse, or a sedentary lifestyle, and then have remained "stuck" in that tense state. A muscle knot is your muscle remaining flexed and refusing to relax, which is a big part of the reason they can be so painful.
While many people tend to believe that a muscle knot is most likely due to a "pulled muscle" or an overuse injury, the most common cause of these muscle knots is a sedentary lifestyle containing short bursts of activity. If you sit hunched over at a computer all day, you train your muscles to behave abnormally, which will make it more difficult to prevent injury when you exercise.
While many people tend to believe that a muscle knot is most likely due to a "pulled muscle" or an overuse injury, the most common cause of these muscle knots is a sedentary lifestyle containing short bursts of activity. If you sit hunched over at a computer all day, you train your muscles to behave abnormally, which will make it more difficult to prevent injury when you exercise.
How Can I Make Them Go Away?
Because muscle knots are caused by inflammation in the muscle, taking a NSAID drug like ibuprofen will help with the pain and can sometimes help with the inflammation as well. If you have only a few knots, the very best way to encourage them to go away is to massage them briefly several times a day for several days. Massaging these knots can be painful, and you should be exerting targeted force directly on the knots. However, this sort of massage over a period of days both helps the inflammation to go down and "trains" your muscles to relax. If you have numerous or very painful muscle knots, the best thing you can do is see a licensed massage therapist.
Because muscle knots are caused by inflammation in the muscle, taking a NSAID drug like ibuprofen will help with the pain and can sometimes help with the inflammation as well. If you have only a few knots, the very best way to encourage them to go away is to massage them briefly several times a day for several days. Massaging these knots can be painful, and you should be exerting targeted force directly on the knots. However, this sort of massage over a period of days both helps the inflammation to go down and "trains" your muscles to relax. If you have numerous or very painful muscle knots, the best thing you can do is see a licensed massage therapist.
How Can I Prevent This From Happening Again? Periodic muscle knots are inevitable, but if you're getting a lot of them, there are several factors to examine. Potassium and calcium help to prevent muscle knots, and remaining hydrated can work wonders.
Become more mindful of the way you move your body. Avoid hunching over, and when you are at work or school, take frequent breaks to walk around. Stretch both before and after you exercise, and do not do exercises that are intensely painful. Pain during exercise is an indication that your muscle is too weak to perform the movement, not that you should "push through" the pain!
Courtesy of Yahoo! Voices :
I hope this was useful to you guys. Time to go and massage my own knots now. OUCH.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Guy Who Visits Me in My Dream

I have not spoken to him since the 2nd of January but at least once a month, I seem to dream of him. And I remember those dreams very clearly until now. What magic is this? I have gotten over my feelings for him, I promise, I have. But the dreams are confusing me. In my first dream of him, I dreamed of him and a few other friends. In the 2nd, 3rd and the one I had last night, the dream was focusing solely on him and I. And our conversations. In both of the recent dreams, I dreamed that he came back to Singapore.
In last month's dream, he came to JJC and I was desperately trying to find him but I couldn't! I woke up so frustrated. In the dream before that I went to his house. -.- As for last night's one, I think I ran into him and his friends at an MRT Station. I think I wanted to avoid him or didn't realise it was him(why would he be in Singapore?) and was about to walk past him but he nudged me and said hi. And then I asked him how come he's back. But I think he had to leave so he asked me to call him. ~.~
Sometimes I feel like talking to him again on Facebook, ask him how's life and his studies over there. Ask him about how much he is overachieving. LOL. :( But of course, I still remember that comment he had made, which kinda struck me in the heart with a bullet. So my ego keeps reminding me "There's no need to talk to that guy again."
I know we ended our last chat on Facebook amicably, wishing each other good luck with our studies and a great year ahead, the usual new year wishes. But my ego is still stopping me from initiating a conversation. Or maybe I am just afraid that he might find me annoying @.@
But I think my heart and brain are seriously betraying me. When we have become from friends to acquaintances, why am I still dreaming of him every now and then?! Maybe it's because he was special. I mean, no one else goes around calling girls mademoiselle. At least, not any Singaporean I know. URGH. Whatever. If I dream of him again any time soon, I swear I will scream in frustration. But maybe the reason behind all these dreams is clear...maybe a part of me does miss him.
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Take the common tests for example. I took a great fall this CTs. :( MUST work harder from now on! Studied with Keith at JE library today. I think it was quite productive! :) Borrowed an aerobics workout CD from the library too! Gonna try it out this week! :D
Recently I have started a diet. No I am not just reading diet books/tips, I am doing it. Cut down on food and been eating healthier stuff. Lots of veggies firstly. Had to cut down on caffeine too since I drink coffee mix, which has sugar in it! So far so good! I have been losing weight slowly. The process is rather slow because I don't have time to exercise, not counting PE. Thus, the aerobics workout CD. Hope it helps! *fingers crossed*
Friday, April 5, 2013
Parents think we have it easy in school. I swear they should create a documentary: A day in the life of the average Singapore student. If the documentary was done on my life it would be rather slack though, so it can't be done on me. xD
BUT if it were to be done on me, this is what one can expect to see:
During PE:
Me crawling on the tracks while everyone runs at the speed of light. Grunting, sighing and swearing during circuits. You know, the squats, pull-ups, sit-ups, long-jumps, push-ups etc.
During CHEM and PHYSICS practicals:
Me: Shucks, I forgot to rinse the burette with the chemicals. OR SHIT I forgot to start the stopwatch, now I must carry out the experiment all over again. OR Darn it, I don't get a straight line, now I must manipulate the points. OR Why isn't FA1 turning brown like it should?
During lessons:
Me: PLEASE don't let the teachers find out that I haven't done my work. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
Or me trying hard not to dream during boring math lectures.
During common tests:
Chem: I MEMORISED ALL THOSE 80 reactions but I can't remember! HOLY COW I AM SCREWED.
Math: Erm...say what?! These are so much harder than the questions I practiced, wtf.
Physics: Time to "tikam" for the MCQs.
Lit: How come the unseen poem is so much easier to analyse than the SEEN extract? Fml.
And this, my friends, is why I insist that the documentary should never feature me.
The End.
BUT if it were to be done on me, this is what one can expect to see:
During PE:
Me crawling on the tracks while everyone runs at the speed of light. Grunting, sighing and swearing during circuits. You know, the squats, pull-ups, sit-ups, long-jumps, push-ups etc.
During CHEM and PHYSICS practicals:
Me: Shucks, I forgot to rinse the burette with the chemicals. OR SHIT I forgot to start the stopwatch, now I must carry out the experiment all over again. OR Darn it, I don't get a straight line, now I must manipulate the points. OR Why isn't FA1 turning brown like it should?
During lessons:
Me: PLEASE don't let the teachers find out that I haven't done my work. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
Or me trying hard not to dream during boring math lectures.
During common tests:
Chem: I MEMORISED ALL THOSE 80 reactions but I can't remember! HOLY COW I AM SCREWED.
Math: Erm...say what?! These are so much harder than the questions I practiced, wtf.
Physics: Time to "tikam" for the MCQs.
Lit: How come the unseen poem is so much easier to analyse than the SEEN extract? Fml.
And this, my friends, is why I insist that the documentary should never feature me.
The End.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Good Friday Memorial
Last Tuesday, the night before the chemistry and lit paper, I went for the Good Friday Memorial which was held at Arena country club in Tuas.
Let me sidetrack a bit. My friend in the congregation had once told me that it is better to marry within the religion and her reasons were Bible based and perfectly valid. However, the one problem I had with that is the fact that the age range of most guys in my congregation is 2 - 12 and 22 onwards. LOL. The first age range is obviously out. As for those 20+, I really don't think I am attracted to any of them. Not that I am in a hurry to marry but the likelihood of me finding a guy within the congregation seemed close to impossible. HAHAHA.
However, the Good Friday memorial "opened my eyes". Just a row away from me was a dashing American guy who looked around my age. Looks like the situation isn't as bad as I thought. xD HAHAH.
Anyways, the Good Friday memorial was a good reminder for me to be more involved in the congregation and not just turn up during special occasions!
Let me sidetrack a bit. My friend in the congregation had once told me that it is better to marry within the religion and her reasons were Bible based and perfectly valid. However, the one problem I had with that is the fact that the age range of most guys in my congregation is 2 - 12 and 22 onwards. LOL. The first age range is obviously out. As for those 20+, I really don't think I am attracted to any of them. Not that I am in a hurry to marry but the likelihood of me finding a guy within the congregation seemed close to impossible. HAHAHA.
However, the Good Friday memorial "opened my eyes". Just a row away from me was a dashing American guy who looked around my age. Looks like the situation isn't as bad as I thought. xD HAHAH.
Anyways, the Good Friday memorial was a good reminder for me to be more involved in the congregation and not just turn up during special occasions!
No longer feeling safe in my own home
Something horrible has been happening to my family lately. I am being harassed by loansharks. :(
Here's the deal.
The previous owner of my house borrowed a sum of money from the loansharks but hasn't paid up . The owner gave them this house's address. When we were buying the house we had no idea! Recently we started receiving letters in our mailbox addressed to the ex owner. I shall just call him Mr S. The letters had hell notes in them and stuff, and O$P$ written on them. Previously the loansharks had vandalized a wall in my block, writing our unit number there and O$P$ again.
Just last Wednesday it was the final straw. They sent a letter saying that if Mr S. didn't return the money immediately, they would splash our door with paint and even lock it. They also gave us their contact number. So what I did was call them up and explain to them that Mr S. no longer lives here and that they should leave us alone because we are not going to pay for Mr S. DUH.
Turns out that these loansharks are heartless, they basically said that they don't care that we are the new owners. Either Mr S. pays, or we pay. I was so angry at them that it took all my energy not to shout vulgarities into the phone.
I think this may have happened to other families too. The mistake they make is to pay them even though they weren't the ones who borrowed the money. By "feeding" these sharks, we are only empowering them, making them feel stronger than the law. So my family is not going to do that.
That being said, I can't deny the fact that I feel unsafe at home these days. Oh well, God will protect us.
Here's the deal.
The previous owner of my house borrowed a sum of money from the loansharks but hasn't paid up . The owner gave them this house's address. When we were buying the house we had no idea! Recently we started receiving letters in our mailbox addressed to the ex owner. I shall just call him Mr S. The letters had hell notes in them and stuff, and O$P$ written on them. Previously the loansharks had vandalized a wall in my block, writing our unit number there and O$P$ again.
Just last Wednesday it was the final straw. They sent a letter saying that if Mr S. didn't return the money immediately, they would splash our door with paint and even lock it. They also gave us their contact number. So what I did was call them up and explain to them that Mr S. no longer lives here and that they should leave us alone because we are not going to pay for Mr S. DUH.
Turns out that these loansharks are heartless, they basically said that they don't care that we are the new owners. Either Mr S. pays, or we pay. I was so angry at them that it took all my energy not to shout vulgarities into the phone.
I think this may have happened to other families too. The mistake they make is to pay them even though they weren't the ones who borrowed the money. By "feeding" these sharks, we are only empowering them, making them feel stronger than the law. So my family is not going to do that.
That being said, I can't deny the fact that I feel unsafe at home these days. Oh well, God will protect us.
What's In A Name?
Have you ever felt pressurized because of your name? Well, I have. People usually have an image of what I would look like, sound like or act like in their minds even before they meet me just because of my surname. Let me illustrate. Justin once said that before he met me he expected me to be a "Goddess."
No, I am not an Eurasian, no I do not have a western family background (not that I know of). No, I am not a Goddess. In fact, I am not special at all. I can't even "live up to my name" and the expectations that come with it. Maybe it's good that I am a girl and the Purification line will end with me in Singapore.
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