I have not spoken to him since the 2nd of January but at least once a month, I seem to dream of him. And I remember those dreams very clearly until now. What magic is this? I have gotten over my feelings for him, I promise, I have. But the dreams are confusing me. In my first dream of him, I dreamed of him and a few other friends. In the 2nd, 3rd and the one I had last night, the dream was focusing solely on him and I. And our conversations. In both of the recent dreams, I dreamed that he came back to Singapore.
In last month's dream, he came to JJC and I was desperately trying to find him but I couldn't! I woke up so frustrated. In the dream before that I went to his house. -.- As for last night's one, I think I ran into him and his friends at an MRT Station. I think I wanted to avoid him or didn't realise it was him(why would he be in Singapore?) and was about to walk past him but he nudged me and said hi. And then I asked him how come he's back. But I think he had to leave so he asked me to call him. ~.~
Sometimes I feel like talking to him again on Facebook, ask him how's life and his studies over there. Ask him about how much he is overachieving. LOL. :( But of course, I still remember that comment he had made, which kinda struck me in the heart with a bullet. So my ego keeps reminding me "There's no need to talk to that guy again."
I know we ended our last chat on Facebook amicably, wishing each other good luck with our studies and a great year ahead, the usual new year wishes. But my ego is still stopping me from initiating a conversation. Or maybe I am just afraid that he might find me annoying @.@
But I think my heart and brain are seriously betraying me. When we have become from friends to acquaintances, why am I still dreaming of him every now and then?! Maybe it's because he was special. I mean, no one else goes around calling girls mademoiselle. At least, not any Singaporean I know. URGH. Whatever. If I dream of him again any time soon, I swear I will scream in frustration. But maybe the reason behind all these dreams is clear...maybe a part of me does miss him.
I keep dreaming of someone I don't ever want to think about too. Well at least you're not alone! And I guess.. some ppl are meant to only appear in dreams..
I agree :( Omg you and I are so similar!
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