Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shooting In Connecticut

I am sure you all have heard about the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut  by now. What a depressing thing to happen. And it's not the first time it's happened in the USA. So many innocent lives were lost. It's about time the American government did something about the gun laws in USA. Normal people shouldn't be allowed to have guns without any valid reason. Maybe the American government could actually learn a thing or two from the Singapore government regarding this issue.

You don't see this kind of thing happening in Singapore, do you? It's pretty safe here. I can walk home alone at 2am in the morning and nothing will happen to me, despite the fact that I am a girl. The people here are actually afraid of the law. Makes me glad to be living in Singapore.

20 children were killed. Can you imagine dying at such a young age? So many dreams left unfulfilled. So many places unseen. So many things left to experience. I shudder just thinking about it.

Imagine if you were shot today (touch wood). If I were shot today, I'd die with so many regrets. Not having the chance to say goodbye to my parents and loved ones, not having the chance to take my A Levels despite the fact that I have already studied one year for it, heck I'd even regret not finishing the FSOG series. I guess when we read about such things only then do we not take our own lives for granted.

The kids who were shot...some of them must have been thinking of what they were going to do after school with their friends or family. They could have been waiting to go home and watch their favourite cartoon on TV. They were probably looking forward to Christmas. Maybe their parents had already gone Christmas shopping for them. Can you imagine how lonely the parents affected will feel this Christmas? It's unimaginable...the pain and the sadness. :(

Well, I pray that no other incident of such sort will happen again. The world may not end in 2012...but humanity certainly seems to be ending.

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