Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Blues

My leg is still injured so I couldn't do PE today. :( Getting fatter. Anyways, they announced during PE that there will be post promo activities. I'm going to choose the Hip Hop Course, followed by Archery. My leg better heal by then! Why the hip hop course? 'Cause I actually DO like to dance, believe it or not. But only choreographed dancing, not freestyle. And Archery 'cause Katniss made it look SO cool in the Hunger Games. :D 

My revision is going well but the pace is too slow :(
Wendy and I have decided to send each other encouraging text messages every mornin to keep us both going. :) 

Ps. I just found out that the McDonalds meal with the highest amount of calories is the Big Breakfast. I'm SO staying away. AND I just found out that a woman in the US lost 34kg by restricting all her meals to those available Starbucks for two years. You know what to do Jaslin~

This was SUCH a random blog post. Pretty obvious that I'm just stalling for time before I go study eh? Ciao :D time to study. 

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