Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Retail Therapy

Ok so, I was a bit sick, but mostly tired yesterday so I didn't go to school. But mostly I was depressed. So my mom decided to be really nice and take me shopping in the late afternoon, when I had recovered and was less sick! I've been wanting to update my accessories so we headed straight for the accessory shop Talisman. And that is where I bought 2 headbands and 3 belts for myself. Ahhhh, so happy! The retail therapy totally worked I tell you. :) Can't wait to wear them out next time :)
And after the shopping I went to JP library and did some studying there. The downside is that I missed a lot of important lessons. :( But at least my emotional state is better now :)

That's all for yesterday. I had a terrific off day I must admit. *guilty* 

There was a chem test today. I totally screwed it up. :( I'm gonna get a single digit. Screw this. ><
Hope Ms. Aisha doesn't rage. :(

Anyways, my uncle just came back from his holiday and he brought delicious things to eat for me :D Oh god my weight :(

Ps. I really need to learn to not depend on people so much :/ It's like my world stops revolving if I don't get a smile/text/call from them. Not good... ><
P.p.s. I realised that sometimes, you just need to try. If the universe sees you trying, you get what you want. That being said, it doesn't work all the time. :X 

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