Saturday, October 6, 2012

One of my biggest pet peeves

I know I don't normally write my feelings in this blog. Most of it is either what I've been doing, with who I've been doing it, exams and school, and my dumb crush and weight issues. Speaking of dumb crush issues, I stopped writing about it, because I realized that somehow my crushes tend to chance upon my blog. 

Anywho, I decided to finally tell you guys one of my biggest pet peeves...

Wait for it...

I can't stand people watching Wrestling in front of me. Why? Because I can't stand violence. Like in movies it's fine because I know it's fake. However, I can't stand real-life bone breaking/crushing. 

Dear wrestlers, your parents raised you to get beaten up in the ring is it? Or to beat people up? I know for some of them, they do it because of money issues. That's all they're good at...using their strength and physical agility and/or strength. Ok fine, I give it to you. Then how about, after you win some rounds and earn some money, you sign yourself up at a school and get a good education that can get you a job where you don't have to break people's noses or crush their jaws?

If someone says he or she has the PASSION for wrestling and that is why they do it...well, that leaves me speechless. How can anyone ENJOY inflicting pain on someone else that bad?Sometimes some wrestlers even use chairs from outside the rink and smack it on their opponent's head. 

Be glad I am not a president of some country...because if I was, before tackling the more serious issues the country faces, I would probably ban wrestling first. Yep, the million dollar industry would be crushed by me. Money is not more important than the values that we impart to our people. I mean, imagine what message this sends to a child. That it is OKAY, and even COOL to get violent. And we ask ourselves why there are so many gang fights in places such as...let's say Chicago? 

I look at Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. He's a good actor, and one of my favorite's to be honest. Now HE has done the smart thing by changing career. You go man! 

OK to be honest, this isn't a hate post on wrestlers as much as it may seem like it is. I just want to reiterate that I just don't like the violence. And that my friends, is why you shouldn't watch wrestling in front of me. 

And now I hope that a real crazy wrestling fan doesn't chance upon this and go mad at me. 

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