Friday, October 12, 2012


I got back my Chemistry and Physics papers. There was a personal major improvement in my Chemistry as compared to the Common Tests. There was an improvement for Physics also but not enough. I will have to catch up on that during the holidays. Mr Tan made a horrible remark to the class which is only horrible because I felt that it was directed towards me. He said something like this, "If you are better at things like Mass Communication, you may want to rethink about polytechnic. Maybe that is where you belong? Of course, it is up to you." Something along that line. 

Sorry but I am staying here, and I WILL do well in Physics in time to come and make you proud. :)

As for Mass Communications, I will take that in University. Great news is that I have two H2 passes I THINK. I calculated the overall grade by myself because the finalised report card is not out yet. I haven't got back the grades for Literature yet so fingers crossed that I pass it too. Getting it back on Monday. 

So I GUESS I will be promoted? 

Went for the Cambodia CIP Trip interview just now. I feel like I aced it, but you never know. Just hope the teachers found me approachable and worthy of going for the trip. So excited. :D

To be honest, I am kind of sick of the way some friends treat me. Like I am a second, or maybe even third, choice. There is this friend who somehow forgets my existence when she is talking to others. But these are just friends. My best friends are awesome. Well, most of them anyway. :) Some still can't make the time for me. Oh wells. 

I have enough on my plate to worry about such friends. And I have learnt to be satisfied with the best friends I have got. Who needs more? 

Had PE today after SO long, I thought I would absolutely DIE, but to my pleasant surprise, my body was actually loving the workout! Time to lose weight baby! :D Ran two rounds, did Step-Ups, sit-ups, the Superman(I think that's what it's called) and lifted this very heavy log to tone arms. And then played Badminton. By then we were all so tired that we kept missing the shuttlecocks. xD

I have read the first few pages of Fifty Shades of Grey and I seriously feel that it is over-rated. 


Unknown said...

Why are all the Mr Tans ( teachers ) we know so 'bitchy'? LOL

Unknown said...

HAHA, good point!! xD Omg, Yay, you finally used Valerie! Sounds so you :)

Unknown said...

HAHA I used it as my name for my fb selling account :) not official! My real name still more me!

Unknown said...

I understand But it suits u :)