Saturday, November 10, 2012

Feelings are dumb

So I was reading Fifty Shades of Grey and I realised that minus the overly descriptive sex scenes, the plot is actually quite nice! *spoiler alert*

I was on the verge of tears when Anastasia was crying over Christian. Poor girl :( In love with a guy that wants to whip her for pleasure o.O *shudders* Someone said it's like Twilight. I beg to differ actually. This is much more easy to relate to because it's a human being and not a vampire! 

I really want to know what Christian looks like! He sounds so hot in the book. :X I wonder if they will turn this into an R-rated movie next time. And I wonder if I will actually watch it...

Anyways, going for work tomorrow. I need all the luck I can get. xD

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